
We have designed ISA with you the business owner in mind. We use short engaging e-learning and video-based courses that allow your team to learn on the job. So whether it's health and safety compliance, product knowledge, brushing up on skills or onboarding new team members, you are in the driver's seat.

Browse our approved and accredited courses. Which include CPD, IIRSM & IOSH.

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Health and Safety Level 3
£125.00 +VAT
IOSH - Managing Safely
£125.00 +VAT
IOSH - Working Safely
£87.95 +VAT
Abrasive Wheels
£18.95 +VAT
Basic Ladder Awareness
£18.95 +VAT
Basic First Aid
£18.95 +VAT
Confined Spaces - Awareness
£15.00 +VAT
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
£18.95 +VAT
CPD Asbestos Awareness Training
£18.95 +VAT
Cyber Security
£18.95 +VAT
Defibrillator Awareness
£18.95 +VAT
Display Screen Equipment
£18.95 +VAT
Driving Awareness
£18.95 +VAT
Equality and Diversity – Main
£18.95 +VAT
Environmental Safety
£18.95 +VAT
Falls prevention – Working at Heights
£18.95 +VAT
Fire Safety
£18.95 +VAT
Fire Marshal/Warden
£29.95 +VAT
General Data Protection Regulations – GDPR
£18.95 +VAT
HACCP - Level 2
£18.95 +VAT
Health and Safety Level 2
£29.95 +VAT
In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment – PAT Testing Awareness Course
£18.95 +VAT
Legionella Awareness
£18.95 +VAT
Level 2 – Food Safety Training
£18.95 +VAT
Local Exhaust Ventilation – LEV
£18.95 +VAT
Lone and Remote Workers (Personal Security)
£18.95 +VAT
Manual Handling
£18.95 +VAT
£18.95 +VAT
Office Safety
£18.95 +VAT
Risk Assessments
£18.95 +VAT
Safer Patient Handling
£18.95 +VAT
Safeguarding for Vulnerable People - Children, Young People and Adults
£18.95 +VAT
Slips and Trips
£18.95 +VAT
Speed Awareness
£18.95 +VAT
The CDM Regulations – The Client
£18.95 +VAT
The CDM Regulations – The Principal Contractor and Contractors
£18.95 +VAT
The CDM Regulations – The Principal Designer and Designers
£18.95 +VAT
The CDM Regulations 2015
£18.95 +VAT
Vibration (HAVS)
£18.95 +VAT
Abrasive Wheels Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Basic Ladder Awareness Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Equality and Diversity – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Falls Prevention – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Fire Safety – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Fire Warden – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Legionella Awareness – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Level 2 Food Safety – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Local Exhaust Ventilation – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Lone and Remote Workers – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Manual Handling – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Safer Patient Handling – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Slips and Trips – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT
Speed Awareness – Refresher
£12.95 +VAT